It’s Never Too Late To Start

Last week my consulting partner in business, Bernard Rojano and I were down visiting Gerardo Gallegos, President of Gallegos Group, in Torreon Mexico.  We were inspecting trailers and oilfield equipment that Mr. Gallegos was building for Lake Truck Lines and Lake Oilfield Services.  Afterwards we went out to his ranch about an hour and a half north of Torreon and it was breathtaking.  Tens of thousands of acres could be seen in all directions from the top of a ridge that ran across the center of the property.  A forty acre greenhouse for growing, oh I don’t know 25-30,000 tomato plants, 40,000 square foot building for cleaning, packing and refrigerated storage, game preserve, 10,000 Pecan trees, and 30,000 grapevines.  Basically more than I could take in.  I was speechless and those that know me understand that is not easy to do.

But what was amazing is that he did all this in about 2 years.  Yeah, two years.  So all this culminates with a conversation with Bernard and me telling him I feel like such a slacker.  Look at how much our gracious host, Gerardo had done in just 2 short years.  Without drawing a breath, Bernard says, “It’s never too late to start”.  Wow that floored me.  Simple words, powerful effect.  I did not wait to return to San Antonio to get started on the project that brought us down there.

I started the following morning.I have been reading a great little book, Make Today Count by John Maxwell.  I learned how to squeeze more and more out of every day.   I started believing that no matter what the shortcomings and failures of today, that tomorrow is a new day and I can make it into what I did not make out of the day before.And squeeze more out of every day is what is going to be required of me starting today.

Lake Oilfield Services is part of a consortium of companies that is in negotiation to become partners in 5 barite mines.  Add to that we have been given the task of adding 30 trucks for the Permian Basin Division, and we start in the winch truck business with our first 4 bulk barite tanks showing up in 2 weeks.  Tomorrow we start negotiations with a drilling fluids company out of Oklahoma that wants us to be their Eagle Ford Shale Distribution Center. Add to that a two day conference with an exhibition (something we have never done before) in April; I have three speaking engagements in June and a trip to West Texas and New Mexico next week.  You can see this just about more than even I can handle.

But there is some exciting news corporate wise.  Jerry Santos, Operations Manager of the South Texas Bulk Division, has been promoted to General Manager of Lake Truck Lines Inc.  Jerry has shown time and time again that the company can depend not only on his efforts but his unparalleled knowledge of the industry. Jerry’s replacement has not been determined but will come from within. Remembering where Jerry started two and one half years ago, he is humbled at the opportunity.  Hey Jerry, It’s Never Too Late To Start, and you have certainly proved that.

Until Next Week
Douglas Cain

Posted in Blog.